Request a Potential Analysis on Your U.S. Venture
It's free and there is no obligation whatsoever
If you have a business in the U.S but you are not happy with your current provider, or you are looking for a more competent provider, we would be very happy for you to move to Mount Bonnell advisors. We can help with ongoing taxation needs, accounting and book keeping. You can find the free contact form on the webpage and someone from our team will get back to you straight away. Here at Mount Bonnell we will do everything we can to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
If you present us with your US project in writing then we will send you an initial assessment regarding its viability by email.
The establishment of a US company is, however, becoming increasingly complex and the advice needed on this is extensive. This is especially so as international tax law is constantly changing. So some time ago we decided not to offer free consultations on American start-ups. Instead, we encourage anyone interested to book and pay for a one-hour telephone consultation.
So why do we offer a free potential analysis?
Look, we understand business and business people. Who wants to book an expensive consultation only to find out that the planned project is not going to work?
So we need to take a cold look at your project to be sure that we can advise you further on it before you book a paid consultation. That’s sound fair to us.
More positively, you need to know if your idea makes sense in principle and, furthermore, does it look feasible from the point of view of an objective outsider.
Via our website, you have a chance to request a potential analysis for your US project before booking a fee-based consultation. We repeat this service is completely free of charge and without obligation.
That said you need to do the work, to begin with anyway. You need to be able to describe your US project in a succinct way.
Mount Bonnell CEO, Sebastian Sauerborn, will then assess and examine the information provided. Using his business experience in Europe and the US, he will decide whether your project has potential and, furthermore, can be supported by Mount Bonnell in its implementation. Normally, when that process is completed you receive a short risk analysis.
Request Potential Analysis for Your Us Project
We evaluate your project purely on the basis of the information that you tell us
What does that analysis look like?
On the direction of Sebastian Sauerborn, one of our staff will send you an answer via email.
Here is an example of how it will read:
Dear — –,
Thank you for your inquiry to our firm regarding your US project.
After consultation with Mr. Sauerborn, I can tell you the following:
In our view the project seems to have potential in principle at least. And so, Mount Bonnell can assist you with making it a reality. Particularly important in the implementation of this business model is your choice of which state in which to base your C-Corporation / Inc. We feel this needs to be where there is no sales tax levied, and which has a small population. Therefore, in our opinion, Montana would be a good option for you.
Further details, however, would need to be discussed in the context of a telephone consultation. There are slots for this available from next Wednesday onwards. To confirm a booking, please click on the following link:
Yours sincerely,
Client care “
Request Potential Analysis for Your Us Project
We evaluate your project purely on the basis of the information that you tell us
After receiving that letter you decide whether you want to book a consultation. In any case, whatever you decide, at least you have received an objective opinion from an external expert on your proposed project.
And that’s something for you to ponder on further.
And as every entrepreneur knows, it is important to have reliable expert opinion, especially true in the initial phase of any project. It’s about more than just relying on your gut feelings.
Sebastian Sauerborn speaks with hundreds of entrepreneurs every year. He has extensive business consulting experience so that makes it relatively easy for him to make these assessments, which are as practical as they are objective.
It is not a detailed feasibility study, however, just a potential analysis. To repeat: the purpose of the potential analysis is to give you our first impressions in regard to your project while drawing your attention to one or more important points that you need to look at.
Everything else needs to be clarified during a further consultation. Due to workload and indeed demand, Sebastian Sauerborn is not able to enter into further discussion about the result of your potential analysis outside of a paid consultation booked in the normal fashion.
So book a consultation today.