
This blog has a simple purpose. We want to be speaking to you and connecting with you on a regular basis. It’s going to be eclectic at times – we'll grant you that. This is no ‘off the shelf’ business blog. It is about a dream: The dream of having a business in and maybe some day living and working in the US of A. So expect random thoughts alongside the latest news on the business climate in Texas and elsewhere from the other side of the Pond.

Announcements Habiba Abdou Announcements Habiba Abdou

Episode 7: Recruiting Stateside In the United States, you can just go there and then with very little effort approach this massive market because it’s actually a lot easier to scale a business than it is in Europe. We’ve probably doubled in size in the last ten years and you see the skyline- it’s kind of crazy that you have like fifteen cranes in town, it’s like, crazy You’re... [...]

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Sebastian’s Musings Habiba Abdou Sebastian’s Musings Habiba Abdou

Taxes R US

Tax season can be daunting, but understanding the complexities of the US tax system shouldn’t have to be. Learn how different types of taxes in the USA affect your business and how you can stay on top of them.

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